It has taken way too long for me to get on top of this, but at long last I am taking pre-orders for our new t-shirt designs. Get amongst it!

Oz Volvo t-shirt 2024

jamesinc stickied the discussion .

Looks good! I'll have to grab one.

Looks like the base tee is AS Colour? What model T shirt? They have a few.

jamesinc changed the title to [Pre-orders open] New Oz Volvo t-shirts! (Update: 4XL and 5XL sizes added) .
8 days later

I've got 30 orders in so far, need a few more to get it across the line. Pre-ordering is the only reliable way to ensure you get one, they probably won't be re-printed again!

More details are available from the pre-order form, see here: Pre-order Form

5 days later

Few more orders have come in, still need another 10! Please help make it happen (and support the forums)!

No worries @Major Ledfoot I've added you. You'll get an e-mail with payment details once I close pre-orders. A few came in today, pretty close now 🙂

jamesinc changed the title to [Pre-orders closing 28/7] New Oz Volvo t-shirts! .
5 days later

Damn, haven't been getting updates in my inbox and missed this opportunity, if it ever rises again like the Phoenix from the ashes I'd love to get a couple…..

jamesinc changed the title to [Pre-orders closing today] New Oz Volvo t-shirts! .
19 days later

How will Postage work James? Sorry for the silly question I can't remember the pre order form.

    TL_V70 domestic postage is already paid for, I'm just getting some missing addresses at the moment. Most pre-orders will get sent out on Monday

    11 days later