So there was a V50 came up for sale on FB WAVE page a guy was wanting shot of, it was sitting there for about a week or so and the missus sent me the link.
Never been overly fond of ford Volvo's with there inherent problems, but the missus said why don't I message him for more details. Long story short 2 days later I owned a 2007 V50 T5 AWD with an M66.
I bought it knowing it had a f#@¥ed clutch that was slipping really bad and the car didn't have a prop shaft, along with all the usual neglect that goes with it.
I dropped the gearbox etc and found it was missing sway bar links, drivers side LCA ball joint was stuffed, it's been converted to a single mass flywheel and had fitted an "extreme" purple clutch.
I seperated the angle gear from the box and it looks to have a new collar and the angle gear is smooth, dropped the oil and it looks like it has never been changed, so I'll be looking at reinstating the AWD once I get my hands on a prop shaft.
The drivers side electric seat isn't working and looks to be the controller on the side of the seat as it's getting power but not working.
With the angle gear, what are people using to stick the coller onto the shaft and is there a gasket or sealant used between the angle gear and gearbox?
I'll be ordering parts initially from rock auto to get the clutch etc done.

Cheers GavImage description

Congrats on snapping this up it's a bargain. The focus guys are snapping them up for AWD conversions just the box would fetch a couple of grand.

What kind of extreme clutch did it have? There's a few things that can cause premature clutch failure eg:master cylinder or the delay valve.

There's no gasket/sealant between the gearbox and angle gear apart from the sealss inside/around the sleeve, if there's oil around there it's probably a damaged seal. Not uncommon for there to be a bunch of reddish/rusty looking stuff from the sleeve wearing out.

The collar should stay on the gearbox and is an interference fit, shouldn't really need anything to "stick it on" there's a difference between the manual and auto collars…is your loose or something?

    timbo hey, even if the car was a basket case it would be a good doner for the V70. The clutch was at least 6+ years old, the extreme clutch, it only had extreme written on lt.and the pressure plate was aluminium.
    The sleeve looks brand-new and all the splines look to be I good shape, there was oily residue in-between the angle gear and gearbox but didn't look fresh.
    I'll have a look about the collar size, I assumed they were all the same.