Could anyone advise on how to replace the door check strap on a P1800E? Ie does the door have to be removed.

Many thanks


  • Cornsy the door card will need to come off to get to the bolts that attach the door to the hinge. Alternatively you could unbolt the door and hinge together from the footwell, but I reckon that would make reinstallation extremely difficult

If it is anything like a 120 or 140 strap, it can be done in-situ. The unit will be bolted in place.

I replaced the strap on my 1800ES without removing the door, however I believe if you want to replace the sort of spring-clip thingy that actually keeps the door open by pressing against the check strap, you have to remove the door as IIRC it's sandwiched somehow between the door hinge and the door. I could be wrong as that was over 30 years ago. Note the new check strap I installed will not keep the door open unfortunately, so I guess it depends what parts you replace and the quality of the replacement parts. I think the one I installed was aftermarket and it didn't come with the replacement spring thingy.


    Thank you for that information. The replacement unit comes with the springy thing but I cannot figure out how the device actually works, particularly the springy bit. There is no access panel from the door so I now believe the door has to be removed-but just not sure. Also unsure how to upload a photo of the unit.


    Did this job recently restoring my 72. As @carnut222 suggests I had to take the doors off. Phillips head screws that fix the plate that holds the springy thing to the hinge face back towards the door and are inaccessible with the door in situ even with a 90 degree screwdriver. The replacement parts are like most aftermarket stuff these days, often not quite as good as the original. Patience and an extra pair of hands will help with the door on/off procedure, otherwise boxes and blankets to prop up and protect while maneuvering if flying solo.


      Many thanks VolDan. I am now resigned to the fact the door has to come off-and then hopefully I can understand how the unit works. Its such a deceptive device as there are no bolt-on parts, just the rivet/split pin. Did you have to take the door panel off by the way?

        Cornsy the door card will need to come off to get to the bolts that attach the door to the hinge. Alternatively you could unbolt the door and hinge together from the footwell, but I reckon that would make reinstallation extremely difficult