Sent money on Thursday night! With a note in the payment....
Vee_Que;53341 wroteSent money on Thursday night! With a note in the payment....
Thanks Alex, it was visible in our account as of yesterday. Yours will be on its way out tomorrow.

@240Joe (1) - I'll catch up with you for coffee soon, I've put yours aside.
@Slowbrick (3) - shipped & received and expertly applied to his awesome 240 that is so awesome.
@Ghettobird (2) - shipped & received
@Dauntless (3) - shipped & received
@jamesinc (1) - shipped & received
@VolvoHordz (2) - shipped & received
@Rob (2) - shipped & received
@elijahlaz (2) - shipped.
@Vee_Que (1) - yours will ship tomorrow. (6/7/2015)
@Ex850R (2) - you have email.
Update -

@240Joe (1) - I'll catch up with you for coffee soon, I've put yours aside.
@Slowbrick (3) - shipped & received
@Ghettobird (2) - shipped & received
@Dauntless (3) - shipped & received
@jamesinc (1) - shipped & received
@VolvoHordz (2) - shipped & received
@Rob (2) - shipped & received
@elijahlaz (2) - shipped
@Vee_Que (1) - shipped
@Ex850R (2) - you have email.
8 days later
Bumpo. Anyone need the last two?
Kool. I think I've got your email address. I'll shoot across an email later.
hook me up ash, might put it on the father in-laws green 142!
Update -

@240Joe (1) - I'll catch up with you for coffee soon, I've put yours aside.
@Slowbrick (3) - shipped & received
@Ghettobird (2) - shipped & received
@Dauntless (3) - shipped & received
@jamesinc (1) - shipped & received
@VolvoHordz (2) - shipped & received
@Rob (2) - shipped & received
@elijahlaz (2) - shipped & received
@Vee_Que (1) - shipped
@darcher93 (1) - you have email.
penta242gt;54626 wrotehook me up ash, might put it on the father in-laws green 142!
I think this'll be the last one.
I'll throw you a PM.
Cheers @AshDVS
Will forward the money today.
Hey @AshDVS I'll grab one if you've still got one, if not no stress!
Hey @Samman88 I'll check later and get back to you.
Hey @Samman88, we have another one here. You have PM.
Update -

@240Joe (1) - I'll catch up with you for coffee soon, I've put yours aside.
@Slowbrick (3) - shipped & received
@Ghettobird (2) - shipped & received
@Dauntless (3) - shipped & received
@jamesinc (1) - shipped & received
@VolvoHordz (2) - shipped & received
@Rob (2) - shipped & received
@elijahlaz (2) - shipped & received
@Vee_Que (1) - shipped
@darcher93 (1) - you have email
@penta242gt (1) - yours will ship tomorrow
@Samman88 (1) - you have email
@AshDVS I've sent the $$$. Let me know when it's through.
Hmmm.. The money is having trouble sending.. It says the amount is less than the minimum transaction amount.. @AshDVS
You can just paypal to my email address if that is easier?

Or combine it with some caliper adaptors to fit decent front brakes to your 850T5? ;)