Vee_Que;53341 wroteSent money on Thursday night! With a note in the payment....
Thanks Alex, it was visible in our account as of yesterday. Yours will be on its way out tomorrow.
@240Joe (1) - I'll catch up with you for coffee soon, I've put yours aside.
@Slowbrick (3) - shipped & received and expertly applied to his awesome 240 that is so awesome.
@Ghettobird (2) - shipped & received
@Dauntless (3) - shipped & received
@jamesinc (1) - shipped & received
@VolvoHordz (2) - shipped & received
@Rob (2) - shipped & received
@elijahlaz (2) - shipped.
@Vee_Que (1) - yours will ship tomorrow. (6/7/2015)
@Ex850R (2) - you have email.