Hi guys,
I have a 2008 C30 T5,
I've got a DO88 filter and muffler delete and I'm looking into get a tune.
Does any know if ford focus xr5 flash/chip tunes are compatible with the c30 giving the fact they share the same engine? and if not apart from importing a hilton or shark unit, what would my other options be.


TDI Tuning box.
Heico tuner.
Contact Voldat, Mark Richardson does TME/MTE Sweden tuning and exhausts a fantastic family business over 30 years.
Overseas tuners not real good it seems....

You can't use the focus tunes on the Volvo but we have a great local option for tuning c30s.
Gabbi at Penta performance can sort you out with a tune lots of the local guys are using him now. If your on f.b join the Volvo C30 owners Australia group
