Hot takes - which model does it best? The 850R seats are pretty nice but how about the 21st century Volvos?
Of all Volvo models, which has the best driver's seat?
Best - as in for a 9hr road-trip
I'd have to say the SPA seats are a step up.
S80 V70 2007 onward.
So much so I may get them and make fit the 245.....
I haven't been able to fault the S80 V8's seats.
When Ms Wife & I had to drive off The Barge and straight to Sydney in one stretch, I could still get out and walk around without aches and pains.
Haven't really had long sessions in the C30's seats, but they've felt quite comfy in the 2-3 hour hops I've done so far.
Of the OEM seats, IMHO however the 940/960 seats are a lot more comfortable than 740/760 leather seats.
140 cloth seats are comfortable, but don't have a lot of side support.
Ditto 240 cloth seats, but it's surprising how you can sit in 'em for hours and not ache later.
I have found a lot of variety in 240 seats, I think with good foam they are amazingly comfortable and all I really long for is some side bolstering, but commonly the foam is at least a bit degraded and sometimes a lot degraded.
The seats in my 91 940
I've done 22 hour strait runs from WI to Florida and felt like new when done
Everything else volvo is ok-ish to me by comparison
The seats in a p2 xc70 are super plush and soft... but not good for tack
Ooooh this is an easy one
Black alcantara/leather out of an 850r.
Absolutely stunning, comfy and good support.
Yes but you were 12
I still own said 945.... and the last time I did a bonzai run with it was within the last 10 years...
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I reckon the seats in my 122 are great, 10-12h of arduous driving and conditions we felt !
I think my 08 v70 or 09 s80 (which share seats) has been the best so far. The c40 has the best fabric seat by far but that’s not as stiff competition
egads (she/her)
P3 d5 seats are second rate to 945 seats
I've owned both
03 v70xc seats a very comfortable but not heated so I'd have to go 850R seats .
Given I'm fairly new to the Volvo scene( Coming on 3 years vs others who have been in them for 20+ years) my exposure is limited. I'm going to say 240 seats are really good, but a heated p80 seat is hard to beat on a cold winter morning.
In saying that, out of all the Volvos I have driven, and been passenger in, I have yet to come across one that has uncomfortable seats.
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I've owned and driven 120's, 140's, 240's, 740's, 940's, S40's S60's and XC90. The only seats that weren't that good were in some of the early 240's. The earlier seats were very prone to the lumbar support breaking in a variety of ways (120's up to and including 940's), but once you fix that, I would say that the best seats are in the Amazon, why I hear you ask? Because Amazons are the most fun!