@Dauntless pointed out to me last week that if I convert @powder_hound‌'s 244 from 3-speed auto to 4-speed auto, it will be silly unless I also swap to a diff more suited for 4-speed auto. So given that, do I have to swap the whole rear axle, or can I just swap the diff centre?
Easier to swap the whole axle...
easier to swap whole axle
what ratio does the rear have?
I don't know. I'll check
The 3speed will have a taller ratio unless it revs at 3000rpm currently, it won't be noticible imo as the 4 speed is the same except overdrive. Aj tends to like revving the guts out if engines to keep moving whereas you don't need to always stay at full speed and kicking down to 3rd makes up the difference.
Well I'll fit the 4sp and see how it drives