• Nina's 1981 244 GL - "Billie"

So for the first time since 2011, I have a car! :) It's a white 1981 244 GL. It was a gift from @jamesinc , and a project that we will be working on together. First goal is to get it roadworthy, which, after a few tweaks, and some parts from Matt, doesn't seem that far off.
So far what we've done
* Replaced a whole bunch of old split vac hoses
* Replaced the driver's side headlight
* Installed driver's seat rails
* Replaced driver's side rear door handle
* Replaced missing driver's side door handle trim
* Replaced driver's side tail light bulb
* Replaced spark plugs
* Given the whole car a pressure wash and some degreaser

When we first got it, it appeared to have a leak which we thought was something to do with the gearbox, however, on closer inspection, almost all of the bolts on the transmission pan were super loose, and just needed a tightening.

We've also got a replacement 4-speed gearbox, tailshaft and shifter from @Philia_Bear that we are going to install to replace the current 3 speed one.

The exhaust also needs work, as it appears there are a few holes and a dodgy mod job.

The front suspension needs work/replacing, as currently it handles like a boat.

Other parts needed:
* Passenger side front quarter panel
* New wiper arms
* Driver's side front hockey stick
* Parcel shelf seatbelt cover
* 3 x LUG nuts
* Front bar (which appears to be missing completely)

It's running and is drivable, which is great!

Here's some pics:

I won't be able to keep that number plate when I register it in NSW... *sadface*
You could actually get a NSW plate with the same lettering, but you have to pay extra for it. TBH I don't think it's worth it.
yeah, since they put annual fees on pretty much every style custom plates are not worth it :(
Stickers on the other hand... :)
Custom plate with a standard letter combo has a loophole. You can end up with it not as custom after transferring ownership to someone, then someone else then back to the original owner.
Sure is pretty. Apologies on the drivers seat as that may have been the car I nicked one from a few years back.
We're painting the grille black. The white is all grotty!
Seats from spares V70 will be good thing.
I have been giving Billie "presents", by which I mean all the 240 bits I found in my parts hoard.

Latest is this nice GLE gauge cluster. Yet to be wired up, but I tested the dials and they are working which is nice. I have the temp sender too.

I have a nice blue leather Volvo steering wheel here.
8 days later
It's a bit of a shoestring job, so I just need to take care of the essentials first - but would eventually love to replace a lot of interior bits down the track when I have more money to play with.
14 days later
Yesterday we installed and wired up the GLE cluster I had sitting around. Everything works!

Its name is Elaina. You cant just adopt a child and change its name and gender.
I forget why Nina chose Billie, but re:gender, here is Billie Piper:

Checkmate, Ryan. Check. Mate.
Billie was a tribute to my teenage Green Day years. They were hugely influential in my life so I named him/her after Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day. But yes, I do like the idea of cars being gender neutral :) While it's a tradition for cars to generally have female names, I'm a fan of breaking from tradition.

And Ryan - it's my car. Shhhhhhh.
Alright keep it on topic, this is a project thread not Billie Piper fan club thread.