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  • Alternator sizing for spotlights

Tommy - it seems you are well versed in respect of alternators. I have some halogen Cibie Oscars & Cibie Super Oscars that I want to fit to my V70 Estate. The wiring, switches and double relays are already installed.

The bulbs are 130w so I doubt the standard alternator output is up to the task.

Is there a Volvo alternator higher than 100A - or an alternative?

Good luck with your own quest


@Brehon47 Hi Adrian, I believe some of the later models have higher amperage alternators. 120 and 160AMP comes to mind. What year is your V70? I don’t know the fwd cars well, but someone else might be able to chime in in terms of what you might be able to retrofit.

Quick online search shows a 2001-2007 V70 uses a 160AMP alt.

Cheers, Tommy

You beaut Tommy - my v70 is a 1999 build so I will head for the wrecker. Thanks very much, Adrian

FWIW you'll probably be fine with the 100A alternator. 130W would only be ~10A of current.

Thanks James - I have four lights (see above) each 130watts plus 100watts in each high beam plus heater, a/c and sundry GPS, mobile and cabin lamp for the navigator. Apparently the higher rated alternators in later V70 vehicles are not a simple swap.

I think I will fit a second battery in the luggage compartment on a discrete circuit.

Thanks for redirecting my message


Ah yes I can see why you'd want a larger alternator if you're running four!

I assume that Volvo size their alternators for the most power-hungry scenario possible, so a V70 with every last bell and whistle, everything switched on, cooling fan at full tilt, engine sitting at idle.