It's been really frustrating actually, because KVFL-04 and KVRS-07 were discontinued at zero notice and we even had a customer who'd placed an order with us which included a pair of KVRS-07. We tried to have stock pulled back that might have been in stock with other resellers (like us) but no one had shelf stock. I scoured to even purchase a pair as a regular retail customer to fulfill the order our customer had placed too but no one had any.
We even went back and asked if they could be produced via the same request/process we go through for a custom spring and got a 'hard no'.
So, we'll start (first) by addressing the need for a 240 lowered wagon rear spring (historically, we've sold lots of these across any given year). We've already reached out to another manufacturer and placed an order to have an alternative made up for us. ETA on that is 12-14 weeks for the first run. Order was finalised on 02/03/2022, so they're a little way off.