• Wanted
  • [solved] Photo Needed - Connection of 240 Bonnet Cable to Release Mechanism

Help Needed! I’ve just snapped the bonnet release cable on my 1985 240 sedan. In order to undertake a repair, would anyone have a photo of how the cable end connects to the release mechanism mounted under the radiator support panel?

Any assistance received greatly appreciated.

Cheers Greg


    Help Needed! I’ve just snapped the bonnet release cable on my 1985 240 sedan. In order to undertake a repair, would anyone have a photo of how the cable end connects to the release mechanism mounted under the radiator support panel?

    Any assistance received greatly appreciated.

    Cheers Greg

    I can take a picture tomorrow for you if you're still stuck

    Thanks mate, much appreciated!

    have a look in the articles section, there was a great article on maintaining the bonnet latch cam to prevent the common (on a 240) cable breaking. pretty sure it had pictures.

    Thankyou for the heads up on the Excellant article by GregS, much appreciated, I now know what to do and lookout for. Many thanks to Dave as well. Issue Resolved. Kind regards GregP


      Thankyou for the heads up on the Excellant article by GregS, much appreciated, I now know what to do and lookout for. Many thanks to Dave as well. Issue Resolved. Kind regards GregP

      Glad the article was of use. That cam set-up is only used on the RH drive cars, and is often neglected when lubricating the bonnet catch and hinges since it's so hard to get at unless you remove the grille. Happy motoring!