Hi all,

Great forum, so much helpful info. This is my 2nd ever volvo after a brief affair with an xc70 maybe 9 years ago.

I've discovered ipd very quickly and have 2 care packages enroute from the USA with handy bits like the gear selector button repair kit and a fuel pump relay as she has a new pump and filter but still stalls when approaching empty...

I'm new to Volvo's but always lusted after an 850r and found this semi local to me with a new gearbox and many 'stage 0' items completed. I'll probably modify her but not extreme, I have 2 supras for my go fast fix but a bit more fizz (cooler, dump, touch more

boost) to keep up with modern traffic would be fun!

Any and all comments, hints or tips most appreciated as my Japanese car knowledge may not translate that well!

Hi and Welcome to the forum. Nice looking V70 T5 buy the way ( i have a silver one), your understanding of jap go fast bits will translate here fine.There are a lot of knowledgeable people on here that will be able to help you depending what your after like Ash @AshDVS he is a wealth of info on many things including suspension and related parts.

I find the older volvos like my 97 v70 are maintenance hungry but only replacing parts that are old like the whole car is lol. Things like the vacuum hoses radiator and hoses, gaskets ect lots of small hoses, seals engine related and clips that have perished with age.

The coolant expansion tank is good one to change as they get brittle also make sure pcv system and a new flame trap under that Inlet manifold is new or atleast cleaned very well if you want to feed her some more boost as these engines don't like to much positive crankcase pressure.

There are many go fast bits out there for the volvo P80 Platform. You nailed in your post earlier a bigger free flowing exhaust is a must also you can buy an angled rear exhaust housing for the TD04 turbo it has a 3 inch outlet (they came on 19t on v70r)as the strait flange like on your 16t in small I can't remember exactly but either 2.5 or 2.75 inch outlet. Peole also swap exhaust manifolds to a s60R manifold or japanafold they both flow more than the stock one( S60r one is probably easier to find)

A good intercooler is a must there are Ebay options i personally haven't tried one but people do say there good for the price. I Have a Do88 one but a bit more pricey but you get what you pay for these days.

Lots of fuel pumps and injectors out there ( lots of more cc newer volvo injectors fit eg S60R greens) i went Deatswerks DW200 fitted easy with very minor mods to fit. Your stalling on low fuel I would be looking at the pick up and strainer on the bottom of the fuel pump not the relay.

And most importantly a GOOD TUNE there are a few pre loaded tune from different companies out there and a few people on here who tune it themselves. Myself and others on here have had Good success with Aaron form Vast tuning and his ecms worth having a look at and read



Thanks for the warm welcome @TL_V70 , I have seen @AshDVS thread and will definitely need some help on suspension and brakes as I'd like to do that properly.

Yes the tune side of things look interesting. Keeping this relatively mild ill probably start with a wideband and bleed valve. Thank you re the rear housing info, I had seen that on the ipd dump pipe and wasn't sure what I had.

Will keep an eye out. Also if anyone has any wheel suggestions or spares I'm all ears! ?

I take no credit for this i stole it off matthews volvo site but have a read and there are photos to explain the different volvo turbo exhaust housings and they all are interchangeable


This is what the s60r manifold looks like and the stock one this is off my car top one Is S60R

The angled flange is called that as it is angled and not such a sharp exhaust angle on exit

I am not trying to built a race car or anything I have a internally stock motor Just like you I wanted something to keep up with traffic but I wanted it to be reliable and safe that's why I didn't just want to wind the boost up on a 24 year old motor and get a cheap thrill ( like you I have other things that go fast no supras tho) and then go bang so I went this rout and hope for some longevity

Hey welcome to the forum , looks like a cool wagon there ? subscribed ?

Thanks for the warm welcome lads. Have sent you a pm back Lloyd, and I just finished your thread @rado , nice build ?


FCP , Rockauto , Partsforvolvonline PFS are good sources over ipd.

Coolant Temp Sensor and thermostat are stage 0 too , the wiring in the headlights can be burnt , pull them out or have a good look from the back.

As is wiring to the radiator fan control module which can fail giving you little time to notice temps going up/ overheat.

Door lock mrch can be issue on most used doors .

I found stuff at Pick a Part wreckers years ago but rarely seen nowadays.

I ended up buying parts cars and keeping good stuff and dumping body.

Plastic trims break easily as were made of eco plastics.....

eBay cheapo intercooler is brilliant easy upgrade plus bigger hoses and piping from turbo to inlet mani.

Making a exhaust mani yourself is best upgrade than others.

Green injectors when you do the upgrades and MBC with AFR and boost gauge helpful then.

Have fun!

Thanks Snoopy, those coolant circuit suggestions are good too, thank you.

Does anyone have a link to the ebay intercoolers? I looked up the do88 kit and whilst it's spectacular, it's also pretty pricy !!

Also, it appears it goes into the factory location? So is behind the radiator? Is this correct?

I've read a bit about the different injectors, so from the sounds of it the ECU has a self learn function around stoich, is this right? ie everyone seems to mention changing injectors but ordinarily the injector details would need to be updated into the ecu for it to even start let alone run? If this is the case, then I guess there's no reason not to run with the bigger injectors straight away even pre modifications? Super cool by the way if this is the case! That and the map sensor make this platform super easy to lift boost in!

Ebay coolers i typed in volvo 850 intercooler

The car will run with different injectors just not that well overfilling. So a off the shelf is required for them or a modified factory ecu that is tunable re vast ecm. To my understanding there are no map sensors on this engine volvo use a combination of the TPS and the AFM to work out boost and I dare say the 02 sensor too some one more experienced on here on that front may be able to explain it better

Oh I didn't even think to type in 850 ?, I often look and wonder at the v70 search results if they are for the v70 ii not p80... awesome, thank you.

I clay barred and polished this the other night, the paint was pretty good overall and being white its harder to tell but the bonnet has some heavier scratches so a more abrasive cut will need to happen at some stage as I only have a mild polish here. Its still come up pretty good in natural light.

The paint only took 1/2 a clay bar with the roof being the worst part of the car and the tailgate. I'd expected it to be much worse so was pleasantly surprised.

Massive thanks to @TL_V70 who has offered me a great help with a spare exhaust he had. I am also super excited to have picked up a Thule carbon look roof carrier (on a slightly obscure side note I don't know what they are actually called in English but they are one of my favourite German words "Dachgëpäckträger")

I will need some roof racks though, anyone have any of those lying around?

Also I am all ears to what wheels you guys recommend. Please feel free to spam this thread with your choices and why? Especially if there's pictures to go along with them.

Regarding the underbonnet, here is a pic and if the experts amongst you spot anything weird please let me know!

Now to a strange one, she only has 5 seats on the registration, so will these critters here:

Be after market / retro fitted Or ?? Don't mind my life jacket..

Over to the interior for those who maybe interested in what I'm starting with, the door cards are all lovely, there's wear which will need repairing on the drivers seat and centre console top and no drink holders....

But overall the interior is quite clean, carpets are all there and neat. I haven't tackled the leather yet but will give it a good clean this weekend.

The headlining has failed and needs replacing....oh and there's a smell....I don't know how to describe it but its basically mothballs...horrid, its copped a full Glen 20 treatment, 2 air freshners and I will get an ozone machine if it doesn't get any better....is this a usual thing?

And to the gentleman who asked about my supra ??

Intercoolers -

I've got a Do88 intercooler to go in mine (I've not got around to it yet but I might get enthused and get it done this weekend). While I'm certainly not on the eBay intercooler bandwagon, the Do88 is passable in terms of finish, it isnt 'amazing' - I think the advantage of the Do88 kit is that you dont have to put any thought into the plumbing side of it.

I'm fairly unbiased here as we (DVS) don't sell anything that competes with the existing options available in that space. That said, the quality of when you can have PWR make up will be much better and I'd expect pricing to be not particularly different - you'll just need to think your way through any plumbing considerations.

7 seats -

What you've got there is definitely standard but it is entirely possible that the third row seats were fitted after compliance - could be dealer fitted or could have been removed from another car when new and fitted to your car when new in the event that someone specifically wanted a white seven seater.

Wheels -

In my opinion, 17" wheels look best on sedans and wagons and there's a couple of good factory options -

Comets. 17x7.5. V70RVolans. 17x7.0. 850RTitans. 17x7.0. 850T5R

I had Titans (my favourite ever volvo wheel) on my previous V70T5 (see below) but currently have Volans on the current project car, though they're an interim thing and I've also got some Koya SF05 wheels in 18x8.0 to go on for brake clearance.

My old V70T5 with Titans (215 40 17) - 17" wheel required to clear the 320mm brake upgrade we put together.

Current project with Volans (215 45 17).

Random UK/French spec V70R FWD with Comets.

All looks great ? , the smell ....... might be worth having a look see if there is a cabin filter fitted in the bulk head

Thanks @rado and @AshDVS those titans!!!

I haven't pulled this apart yet but is this where my old port should be? I'm assuming its fallen down somewhere but can't see anything in here its just a void...

Pull up the plastic bit that says OBD it's there underneath.

Any V70 I have had with rear seats and belts stated as 5 seats on the compliance plate which is disturbing as it is then illegal to use them.....I would never put a valuable family member up back anyway as it's a crumple zone.

I have some 17" wheels I'll get a pic of for you.

Seat base (and the backrest) skin can be bought from Elwood Industries in USA.

The eBay cooler from GP Industries or Racing is not far from me in Melbourne when I got mine. I also grabbed a box of silicon hoses and aluminium piping general set off them and made what I wanted but silicon to match the tricky parts isn't expensive either.

I did larger diameter over top of engine to I/C it's called RIP (reverse intercooler piping) and it gives more air than stock.

The stock ecu can handle these upgrades even an MBC too. When you get into more upgrades you may want bigger injectors and a ecu remap or drop in upgraded tune but the thing can be pretty punchy without.

One S70T5 auto I had had been tuned and a bigger exhaust, I wish I kept it as even my tech at the time said it's fast and they sell Swedish tunes.

VP Tuning has MTE Sweden tunes , Mark is Volvo Europe trained Tech too.

I have four, in boxes , they came from a member here many years ago and never used as my project V70R went to scrap. Easy to ship at good rates. Message me. Les.

Ooh are they titans les? Will msg later, there's nothing under the plastic lid so I'll have to go searching.

Yes the rear end is definitely a sometimes option, the novelty for the tin lids is pretty good too.

Another question for the brains trust: are the xr5 turbo manifolds interchangeable and or is the ko4 turbo on the xr5 a step up from the 16t ?? So many threads out there with non easy naming conventions!

Thats a pretty big bracket on the OBD2 to break unless someone's removed it but why tho?but anyway here is what I should look like under that cover Damo

Not Titans I don't reckon as these are newer than the 1994 car that had Titans.

Have spacer rings to suit P80 cars on them already for the correct centrebore. I have alloy ones I think I bought to put on but either work fine. Not new but in great Nik.

Thanks Tom, yes I definitely don't have that, will have to pull all of the console apart and have a look. Weird.

Thanks snoopy, I'll msg you after dinner.

Strut tops are buggered.... get XC90 ones as they'll last much longer. Not a fan of the aftermarket coolant bottle. Heater core has been disconnected and no pipes through the firewall. Broken dipstick top and the worst by far thing I can see if the power steer cap writing is upside down....

