Hi all, quite some years ago, contrary to common sense, I purchased a non-runner 85 wagon that was in bits. B230E out, and head removed. It was dragged back to my parents property in rural Tas, and slow progress was made due to location, work, family, and a certain 2013 catastrophic bushfire event back at the family home. At the time I was restoring my 1970 1800E, a 68 VE Valiant, and daily driving a 63 AH Sprite, lost them all sadly. We rebuilt and I partially restored a 66 122S, then moved to the north of the state. Sold that and moved on to a 72 1800E restoration, which is well underway. Being closer to the parents, have recently revisited getting the old wagon mobile again. Thought I would share a few photos for interest sake, but also to make it real, and maybe give me a nudge and something to look back on every few years!