Sorry for delay, I have found he black roof rack set I have though cannot yet find the silver one, it should be somewhere in the storage. Once found I will reply properly.
VIC 240 wagon oem roof racks
dmc Hi, How much does a black set go for?
Just curious. Last owner of my wagon removed a black set. I'm in Sydney so nth east Vic is a long way.
Looks like the black roof racks are just chrome sets painted black with a simple coat of paint. The ones I have here are a little chipped and it looks to be chrome underneath. Shipping to Sydney would be troublesome due to size.
I am near the freeway, sort of. About an hour east of Seymour when you are heading south. DM/PM me for a chat before you head down.
dmc how much do you want?
did you find that chrome roof rack?
I am in Brisbane but happy to pay freight if still available.
Did not find it, I think it was fitted to a car a few years back.
I will measure up how big it is to ship.
dmc do you send to sweden?
It is too bulky to send to Qld.
Seems a little scammy.