Alright! Time for me to shove up my 850R which..... Was purchased blind on the internet. Not the best idea ever..... But at the time, the price was right.....
I've now had the car for a year and it has been my daily driver for most of that year. Later this year once I get a bit organised it will be taken off the road and get the TLC it has needed for years. When I got it I thought I was getting a good deal, but silly me took the gamble and brought it unseen and got it shipped down from NSW. I was expecting a few issues which I was told about (usual TRACS, some paint damage - other than that was told it was in good running order otherwise). I did a bit more poking to the dealer, and some pictures seemed a bit iffy Ie. tailgate was up in all the pics/unseen. It was discovered it was backed into or hit from behind but I did get some pictures of that. Which I thought at the price it was still a good deal. Something I fixed.
So I got it home and checked it all over. Took it for a quick spin and something wasn't right. Boost issues and coolant leaks. All the vacuum hoses were shot (overboosting!) and coolant leaking out of most of the hoses.
I was also told I would get log books etc. with it. Nothing. Kays were low which was a reason I jumped at it (153k at the time) but there was no way I could verify that now that I had it. ODO seems a bit dicky, and I can only assume it hasn't failed. Interior did stack up to a low mileage car minus the sun damage and lack of leather care. So I can only assume it was off the road for quite some time.
So fast forward a year and its going alright. Coolant hoses, heater core, vacuum hoses have been replaced. Other than that, not really done much else with it.