ramrod;c-159907 wrote
ToomanyVolvos;c-159906 wroteProbably got the B230FX too!

I've got a non running 92-93 wagon in the same colour (just GL) that I need to move on. I've just got too much on my plate and it's at my late father's place that needs to be cleared. I was hoping for similar money for that, much less and I'll just have to part it out. I'll piggyback on this thread for any interested parties. Mines in Sydney.
No it won't have a B230FX, that was only on the 240 classic edition
I've got a 91 "25th anniversary edition" with the FX, and a 93/94 940 with the FX. Not sure about the 92/93 I've got for sale, but if my sketchy memory serves me right I am pretty sure that has the FX.

Unsure why my 91 "25 Anniversary edition" would have the FX and a 91 GLE wouldn't since it's a higher spec?
ramrod;c-159907 wrote No it won't have a B230FX, that was only on the 240 classic edition
I don't know where you got that from, Most late 240's have it. Mine is a 92 but not anniversary or classic or GLE and it is definitely an FX.

I've got a 92 240 GLE and it has the B230FX with 531 head. It's an early 92 model too. Made in July 91 from memory. I was under the impression only 93 240s had the FX too, but have come to learn 92 models, at least, often, if not always, have the FX. I did read somewhere that the 'FX' was available as an option on 240s and could be retrofitted to earlier model B230 cars as well. Pretty sure the option included the 531 head, VX cam and a special exhaust. The option was supposedly available from dealers til the late 90s. Saying that, the anecdotes I read, were referring to overseas markets.

I reckon this gold car is a bargain and well worth saving. If anyone ends up wrecking though, I'd be interested in the front seats. They look super tidy.
240;c-159914 wrote
ramrod;c-159907 wrote No it won't have a B230FX, that was only on the 240 classic edition
I don't know where you got that from, Most late 240's have it. Mine is a 92 but not anniversary or classic or GLE and it is definitely an FX.
OK so it's not a classic, not an anniversary, not a GL and not a GLE. So it's a classic.
Not sure what you mean. Late 240's were available as a "base" model (just "240"), as GLE, or as the Classic. We didn't get the Classic in Australia AFAIK. Mine is the base model (even though it is specced higher than earlier GL models.)
Yep my 93 240 wagon is the same & has the b230fx, 531 head & vx cam.
Yo lads this is For sale ad, happy to make a thread on 90+ 240 variances if need be

My red 92 240 was just a plebbo model, came with a 3.73, manual windows, a b230f and no squirters.

Ive pulled 531 heads from 91 GLEs in the past with B230FXs in them
The cars with just a 240 badge were the final series. They usually had GLE options and black exterior trim, leather, power windows, scorpius wheels etc.

They were not based on a GL, they were based on a GLE so to say it's a base model isn't correct.

And, my own 91 240GLE doesn't have a B230FX, but you are correct that some were optioned with that engine pre delivery
ramrod;c-159960 wroteThe cars with just a 240 badge were the final series. They usually had GLE options and black exterior trim, leather, power windows, scorpius wheels etc.
I'm sure I saw a 93 '240' for sale on here the other week that was just a no frills white with blue cloth model. Think it had steelies with hubs too.
Pretty sure ALL 93 240s (in at least in AUS) had black trim (I’ve never seen one with chrome trim). Some were base models with no power windows and steel wheels - I have one that I just used as a parts car. Some were “GLE” with power windows, leather seats and Scorpius alloy wheels (both 93 240GLE wagons I have dealt with had these features). I’ve never seen a 91 240GLE with a B230FX motor, but I’ve only had a couple. I thought the FX was introduced in the 92 240. There were some variances in the final year as they tried to use up the parts they had or ran out of some bits I presume.
Why do some models have chrome grilles? I've seen quite a few. Usually around 91/92 models I think. Guessing it was just an option?

Also, is cruise control a rare option? My 92 GLE has it, although it's not set up as the stalk has been replaced with non cruise item. It has a double throttle cable setup with one cable tracing a path into a vacuum servo mounted on the inside of the strut tower, underneath the coolant reservoir.

It also has power mirrors and mirror defrosters. Are these usual features for late model GLE's?
Yes power mirrors and windows came standard on GLE. As did black trim, which is why you don't have a chrome grille and trim. GL has the chrome grille and trim if you're talking 1986-1992

Cruise was an option
Yeah, GLE's had the all black black trim going back to 81 didn't they? And all 93s seem to have it. Did 92 GL's have chrome trim? The all chrome grille I was referring to has a chrome surround and centre. Seems to just appear randomly on later models.

Is cruise a common option? My mums 85 gl had it when I was a kid but I think it was a different setup. She also had a centre arm rest, a Venetian and a remote boot release.

Could you get an optional CD player on 240s?
Yes even my 1984 GLE has black trim and grille. 1992 I think was a GLE only year, might be wrong on that. Not too many of them have factory cruise, some people add aftermarket cruise. It's only genuine if the controls are on the blinker switch.

I have never seen a genuine 240 CD player. I don't think they were available on the 240
The coffin nose look cool with the black grille and trim.

According to redbook, there was a GLE in 92 as well as a '240'. Can't say I've seen many of those though.

The indicator stalk in mine has been replaced. It's got the early style (80 and earlier?) but I'll have to check if the cruise gear has Volvo written anywhere on it. There are no other controls for it. At around $450 for a stalk I don't know if I'll be getting it working anytime soon.

Yeah, I've never seen a CD player in a 240. Find it kind of funny when my dads 90 740 turbo had cd and a 10 cd stacker but I guess there was a large price gap between those and 240s.

@OdinsRedblock Im about to scrap a 91 with cruise ill send you a pic of the stalk
The stalk changed in about 1990 to one with mostly blue wires. The earlier ones had I think red, green, yellow and black wire? Depending on what cruise control system your car has you’d probably need to get the correct stalk. The later ones were very similar to the 740s and you can retrofit a 740 cruise control system using a new-style 240 stalk. LHD 1990-93 240s used a vacuum dashpot actuating the throttle pedal in the passenger compartment, while the 7-series had the dashpot mounted on a bracket on the inlet manifold. The later system has a separate 3-wire vacuum pump (Hella brand) to actuate the dashpot, whereas the earlier systems have a long cable that runs from the throttle to a vacuum unit. Sounds like yours might be the early type and I believe it was developed by Dana. I haven’t seen a 1990-93 240 in AUS fitted with Volvo genuine cruise control other than those like me who have retrofitted using 740 parts. Most 240 cruise control systems I’ve seen in AUS cars are aftermarket systems but some of the pre-1990 cars appear to have the Volvo-Dana system.
Thanks @carnut222, very comprehensive. I'll get some pics and maybe part numbers to see if we can determine which type has been installed.