After a struggle of sorts with a cantankerous pair of SU carburettors, finally the project is home.
Arriving at the sellers home, put some air cleaners on and then it wouldn’t go, distributor lead slipped off!
In its favour it made it here under its own steam and over fuelling.
Stopped for juice after 140 kms, halfway home. Had to threaten it with a visit from the RACT 140 kilometres from home. That was enough to make it giddy up some more.
Finally, it gave up the ghost less than 80 metres from the garage door, in the driveway at the entrance gate. A wait of 30 minutes saw it finally struggle up the slope and into the shed.
@volvodriverman helped and encouraged via text, A good man.
Thanks to Dave (seller), I appreciate your patience.
Thanks to those who have helped, in the search and the acquisition.
I look forward to sorting out the beastie over the coming months, finding parts that are missing, fettling, massaging and restoring the interior
This 1966 122s has survived and will thrive.