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  • M400 gearing different between model years

I was reading on the specs of the M400 has different ratios depending on what year it was manufactory. Is there anyway to identify which ratio gearbox I have?

I'm not aware of any external differences between the early and late M400's, you may have to mark the input shaft and the tailshaft flange and count the turns in first gear, assuming the gearbox isn't fitted to the car.
Not a bad set of ratios in the early box.
ab1;7768 wrote Is there anyway to identify which ratio gearbox I have?
Part number plate on the gearbox and the parts manual, cross referenced to the chassis numbers for those year models. Group 4, page 14 of the 164 parts book.

Any chance that plate is visible with gearbox in the car Bob?
Yes indeedie - it's right under the box, at the very bottom, near the output flange. And probably covered with oil 'n' stuff.

See 3.

Excellent I'll have a look when I'm under it this weekend hopefully!
For what it's worth, mine says this. I don't know the year of origin.

Is that 254771 in the part # field?

For the M410 in 164s -
- p/n 254566 was used up to chassis #41704 (mid 1971)
- p/n 254631 was used on chassis #41705 to #62333
- p/n 254705 was used on chassis #62234 to #74449
- p/n 254733 doesn't have a chassis range specified, and it was superseded by p/n 254771

First chassis # of each year model:
His box is not from his car.
Vee_Que;123647 wroteHis box is not from his car.
Yup. So he's trying to establish what year model it is out of originally, via the gearbox part number.