Hi All, would anyone have a set of mini lite wheels for sale to suit my 144 ?
searching for either 15' or 16' steel wheels to suit 144
Would you have an idea of which model car would also suit the Volvo pattern apart from the early Holden ?
Thats a about it. Peugeot 606 I think it is. Use 5x108 though it's fwd offset. Like modern Volvo, focus, mondeo etc.
Old Holdens thru to HG, LC to UC Torana excluding L34 and I think A9X
All those others unfortunately don't have much in the way of nice wheels generally.

Modified scene for toranas is pretty high. So parts available.
What year 144 do you have?

IMO, Virgos from a 240 goes nicely with the earlier 140s. They're 15 x 6.

I got a set of 15x7 BB5 rims for my 142, they look similar to the ones on Jays car. They were painted white when purchased, but they were repainted Simmons gold.