• Volvo special service tools

Today I was lucky enough to obtain a decent selection of Volvo special service tools for 200 and early 700 series cars, from a dealership that now sells other makes, but had Volvo as one of it's brands during the '70's and '80's. I figured I'd show them off here.

I know what about half of them do, through recognition or from finding them in the green Volvo manuals, and some will probably prove to be very handy to have, like the valve shim changing tools, front seal installers, and some of the suspension stuff. The 240 fuel sender lock ring tool is nice too.

Much of the rest is probably fairly useless, especially the V6 specific stuff, but I'll keep it all on hand in a spare tool chest I've got here.

Volvo had a numbering system where the tools all have a two digit number separate from the part number, which denotes what area of the car each tool relates to, eg: everything with a 21 on it is an engine related tool, which makes it easier to work out what things do.

I also got a number of old parts boxes with Volvo labels:

My contact also has a collection of the green Volvo factory manuals which can only be described as vast, they probably take up at least 4 metres of shelf space, maybe more, covering models from the 100 series to 700 series and possibly slightly later. I bought a couple of the manuals but I don't have the space or the need for more, so if people are looking for particular manuals let me know, and at some point I'll find out if they are there and how much they are.
The funny thing is, most of the specific tools are not uncommon now from t+e, I have had a valve spring compressor for years. the small socket like ones are used on later volvo trucks too... Good haul!
Those tools are cool, something I'd be interested in obtaining to. But just looking at them I can only recognise 3 or 4 and their use. The numbering system is pretty interesting too.

I'd be interested in the manuals. The whole set for a 240 would be nice. However just asking for a price at this stage.
I think i have used every single one of those tools at one point or another

Very jelous
The crank hold tools for 740/940 is the best win from that set
A screwdriver works pretty well to hold the motor? Combined with a rattle gun.