
I've got a vibration with my XC70 (D5) on light acceleration and deceleration. Is there a typical engine mount that fails with these? Visually, all the ones I can see look OK.
All of them look normal even when flogged out

The d5 do vibrate quite a bit
Vibration feels like an engine mount. I'm finding it hard to convince myself that it just natural D5 vibration as it is pretty smooth at idle. I figured it'd be worse at idle. The deceleration vibration is bad enough to rattle some interior panels around in the car.
Is it a vibration "sound" that makes it noticeable? _Perhaps a hose / duct touching bodywork after recent work. Just a thought if the noise is new.

Probably the top engine mount but hard to diagnose this by ear or visually.
Take the radiator side one off first and check it as these always fail
Checked over the torque rods and stuff I can see, they don't appear to be cracked. The rubber is soft, but doesn't appear to be busted or softer than it should be.

I did a bit more reading about this and found a few things about engine pads (which I think mine has?). My car has also been having intermittent vacuum issues. Sometimes after I park the car and come back my brake pedal is rock hard, which makes it hard to get the car to start. Other days it holds vacuum like I'd expect.

Does this lead towards the possibility of a split engine pad? Is this a common issue? Is there something else in the vacuum system that would explain (potentially both of) these problems?

The car does have 280,000k's, so literally anything could be worn out.
You most likely find both mounts gone then check the one under the crank as this is most likely soft, if require mounts let me know
7 days later
Small update. I had a new set of tyres put on this and some of the vibrations are now resolved. The deceleration rumble still exists and it is a little rougher during acceleration than I'd like. I'm putting it up on the hoist again on Thursday night. Hopefully I'll be able to find something that isn't right or it'll be getting every mount in the front end replaced lol
2 months later
Alright guys, I've changed the 5 major engine mounts in my car and while it has improved (much nicer gear shifts now), it still has a horrid engine-mount-feeling vibration when maintaining speed (30-60km/h) and also while rolling from 60km/h down.

Is there another common location I should look at?

Not sure how I could record a video of a vibration... It is something I can feel through the pedals, and it makes the rear view mirror fuzzy at certain speeds.
My xc90 d5 does that as well
How heavy is the vibration
I don't know how to define that. I figure if it is bad enough to make the rear view mirror fuzzy and to occasionally rattle interior panels, it's too much.
5 years later

I've finally been able to resolved this vibration. Removed the D5, put it in the bin, installed a T6 in it's place. Problem solved!

Lol, I fixed my D5 vibration by transplanting a whole Subaru