Full set of 5 16" wheels from an SE 850 .

$200 pick up 50ks south of Perth . I can get them out for better pictures if needed but all pretty good for the price

Would you sell 1 buy its self stevo? I think my spare is bent from memory but I have never taken it out.

  • rado replied to this.

    Would you sell 1 buy its self stevo? I think my spare is bent from memory but I have never taken it out.

    No problem ?

    I am away at the moment soi can't actually check my spare I just remember the guy telling me when I bought the car.

    I won't hold the sale up if someone wants all 5 that's fine sell em.

    a month later

    I have 4 left , any offers ? Worth a look , just sat in a corner of the shed.....

    a month later

    Bump for these dust gatherers