I’m really missing my sadly totalled S90, so looking for a replacement 1995+ 6 cylinder (sedan or ideally wagon). Looking for darker colour (ideally tan interior), lower kms and good condition. Ideally located in Victoria but let me know regardless what you’ve got.

i've got three....
All in Yass NSW, about 2.5 hours from the border.

1. White S90. Seems to be pretty much ready for rego. Non-Nivomat car. Towbar.
2. White 960. Sunroof. Pretty tidy car but enough rough edges to make it a project car.Mostly needs suspension work, including replacing buggered Nivomats. Towbar
3. Grey 960. Also seems pretty much ready for rego, except the previous owner took the seats out for his Dolomite (?!). You'd be welcome to take the seats from #2. Non-Nivomat car. No towbar.

Really, I would prefer to sell #3, but if you wanted either of the others, then I could easily be persuaded.

There's an old ad for #2 and #3 if you want to see photos.
Spac;c-160256 wrotei've got three....
All in Yass NSW, about 2.5 hours from the border.

1. White S90. Seems to be pretty much ready for rego. Non-Nivomat car. Towbar.
2. White 960. Sunroof. Pretty tidy car but enough rough edges to make it a project car.Mostly needs suspension work, including replacing buggered Nivomats. Towbar
3. Grey 960. Also seems pretty much ready for rego, except the previous owner took the seats out for his Dolomite (?!). You'd be welcome to take the seats from #2. Non-Nivomat car. No towbar.

Really, I would prefer to sell #3, but if you wanted either of the others, then I could easily be persuaded.

There's an old ad for #2 and #3 if you want to see photos.
Do you have any photos of the S90? I saw the pair of 960s, but I’m really after a car ready for rego.
#3 is ready for rego

They're quite rare as I'm sure you have already realised
Swapping the seats over isn't a big job, I bet Spac could even be persuaded to do it
My S90 after a very quick wash. No sign of any dents or previous repairs.

Previous owner appears to have gotten over-excited after reading the body repair section of a Haynes manual and attacked the car with a pressure pack on very minor stone chips - this will polish off.

Started straight up, then immediately ran out of fuel... now has 12litres of 98 PULP in it...
Didn’t even have the usual “unused Whiteblock lifter noise”.