Well, it's been a long time since i've posted on here and a lot has happened in that time.
My daily S40 T5 has been sold, which gave way to extra funds. Currently my house is looking pretty crazy as I got rid of one Volvo for two more.
I've got a white 1999 S40 T4 manual, and a maroon S40 T4 manual. White one is running and registered and has taken over daily driving duties for the mean time. The maroon car is my new end game project as it's got forged rods and pistons and is running a custom manifold with a GTX3076 strapped to it.
As a result this project has become about 90% less extreme! BUT is still going ahead never the less.
First of all, the motor has been ripped out. I've already sold the B230 and the M46 to other local Volvo enthusiasts which is great.

Motor and trans coming out as one

A very dirty engine bay after 380,000kms
I decided that it was a little too dirty for my liking and I decided I wanted to give a clean. This inevitably lead to me deciding to get rid of all of the rust spots coming through. It was actually in pretty decent condition, with no real rust problems to speak of in the engine bay. Nothing a bit of wire wheeling and rust converter couldn't fix.
Next it was all taped off, primed and ready for a lick of paint! Surely the nicest the engine bay has looked in a very long while for this car.
I decided to go with a nice satin black, to keep it looking as clean as possible.
Now that's sorted I'll be giving the engine a good clean down and service.
I've decided to keep the auto and make it a really simple cruiser for a bit of fun. Which mean's it'll be staying NA.
For now anyway, we'll see how I feel in the future about that!