Jack it up, and rotate the wheels. Check the OD of the wheel/tyre for being out of round.
Even new tyres can have quite a lot of runout, particularly cheap ones.
Try swapping them front to back, if there's not an obvious problem.
Less important, is to see whether the yellow dot on the tyre is adjacent the valve.
FWIW, the 15" 740 wheels we first had on the blue 940 shook like a mofo. Front-to-backing them made no real difference.
They went onto the maroon car when we sold it to Wino. He was warned the there was at least one BAD tyre among them, and to go the Simmons ASAP.
They didn't shake at all on his car?!
And the blue 940 didn't have a problem with any of the wheels it had fitted after then (Hydras, Aeries, your Geminis, and now the original wheels)(except the Aeires I flat-spotted on a pothole, but that don't count).