Hi guys/Gals,
I have a s60 2001 with the usual auto issues. My shift issues only become issues when its hot. Just wondering what the best solution is. B4 update, external inline cooler, software updates. Read heaps of info on the european sites, just wanted to know what locals have done to address this issue. Runs perfect when cold. Any genunie info would be awesome. Cheers
If the shifting has started to go the box will likely die sooner than later

Ipdusa.com sells The selonoid cover and the selonoid and other bits the last time I checked

Imho start planning on replacing the box or the car
Cheers for the info.. it’s one of those situations where the price of a decent box exceeds the value of the car.. that’s why I thought I’d ask the question..
If you're in a position to trade it in for a new car, I'd be thinking about it.

Professional full auto rebuild anyway from 4-8k depending where you go.
New box from Volvo about 6-9k, and even then I know of a few times Volvo sent a "brand new" gearbox only for it to be in the car for all of about 5 minutes and then "nope that ones also f**ked lets try another"
Decent second hand auto plus fitting can range upwards from 1.5k to about 3k, you never really know what you're going to get.
Have heard of people having some luck with replacing just the valve body and/or solenoids, I tried on mine, did not work, but do know a Melbourne guy whose quite experienced and had a bit of luck. At the very least might buy you some time.
Mums car hasn't survived any longer with the external cooler than I think it would have survived without it, 87k and we have problems (I have advised her to buy a new car but as she has been in hospital for the past year its not high on the priority list. The car hasn't even done 5k in a year now so I think you get my point).
PM me if you want me to go balls deep into it, had lots of issues with my 01 XC70 which I solved by removing the auto all together and putting a manual in it instead!
thanks mate. Manual was an option i had thought about, but once again, Price V value just doesnt make it viable. Shame as it is in extremely good condition.