Still plodding away on getting my 240 Estate sorted and just wanted any extra info on interference versus non-interference motors. Having just shifted the cam out of position when tensioning its bolt can I slip the belt off and re-position with out doing any damage? The crankshaft hasn't moved (had it in gear) but Haynes warns of dire consequences if either the cam or crank is rotated. I've read very conflicting info on the subject particularly regarding B23E being interference as shipped to Oz. Just as a disclaimer I haven't attempted turning the car over on the starter etc as I'm well aware that could screw things up...
Just remembered I had the head gasket done a few years back and the head was replaced with a 405 head due to a crack in the original (I'm guessing that is relevant!)
If the cam is stock and it is not the heron head. The motor is non interference.
nickm;98456 wroteIf the cam is stock and it is not the heron head. The motor is non interference.
^This. That said, while in the US, I've had a cam belt come off my 1990 760T when the dealer in Columbus Ohio didn't get it right, and AFAIK no valves were bent.

Although @Angus242164 has reported bent valves with a 'non-interference' 8V engine.

Seems to be a bit of pot luck involved.

Thanks nicko, not on particularly good terms with the now ex-mechanic who did the head so I can't check the details but I'm feeling a bit more confident now that I've got the three bolts to the cam, intermediate and crank torqued up (was a bit concerned that I couldn't get the crank to 165Nm as that was the max setting on the borrowed torque wrench but I managed it!) I can't test out my handiwork until the new ignition wiring loom arrives from NL, the old one has just bio-degraded...
If you don't have the holding tool or are unable to get an impact gun in there. The rope trick works.
A high lift cam and with decked block and or shaved head. Will get you dam close if not touch.
nickm;98470 wroteIf you don't have the holding tool or are unable to get an impact gun in there. The rope trick works.
I've heard about the rope trick (and not the one with the Indian) and I guess I'm just that little bit unsure of myself that I'm not sure whether I would get it right, if I had a B230 I'd have fabricated the crank-holding tool and used that, have you given the rope a go?
nickm;98471 wroteA high lift cam and with decked block and or shaved head. Will get you dam close if not touch.
I've been pretty paranoid about screwing up the timing as I've invested too much time and effort into getting the car back on track, so yeah, better safe than sorry!
Yes I have used the rope trick.... It works. Just line up the marks. I'm guessing the car is an auto?

If you are worried pull all the plugs so you get a feel if something is touching or wrong.
It's a done deal now but all the marks lined up on the three positions so I'm feeling fairly confident, hopefully I'm a 100,000K's away from having to do this again so fingers crossed. It's a manual with the electric o/d so that might have mad it easier in terms of holding he crank stationary...