Cool. I'd like it a lot more if they'd kept the 145/early 245 look, though.

Got a link that I can navigate with? No menus visible on those pages, and I keep getting 403 Forbidden errors when I try/guess other pages.
That first link @Spac gives you the home page and you then click on the images to take you the sub page. Stupid but there you go
So the "facts" page is the home page?
I wish there was a better explanation & photos of what had been done to graft the 164 front on - I'm not sure if it is an E2L thing or they're trying to hide the fact that the donor car is a relatively late model 240, but the list of body mods is hardly useful...
Thanks @Ben - I found that too, but on the mobile it doesn't do anything except flash it lights :-D
Linky heaven!!! Cheers, @Ben!
a month later
B6304 from an early 960, hmm... I wonder why they didn't use a B6304 from face-lift 960's which has wider & more durable 28mm timing belt, longer intervals between replacement too.
because used what was available?
Wasn't there one made by Volvo aus by combining a 145 and 164 kit at the assembly plant?
WANT it ! Two turbo's , little 12G and a 19T , oooohhh , the torqs you could have!!