It will/should be a B21E in an Australian car. Or B21A for a carby car (usually a DL).
Cam ought to be a D. The D is "bigger" than an A, M, T etc - somewhat similar to a VX if my memory serves me.
In theory, a K would be quite an aggressive cam for a 2.1
Nothing is really all that different to a B230 in concept or execution. The B2x's Bigger, heavier crank makes it reluctant to rev compared to a B230. Ditto the poor balancing. On the bright side, they're pretty well bomb proof.
Crappy 160/398 head is noticeably inferior to 405.
All of the locally available extractors are rubbish - if they offer any performance improvement, it's from weight loss alone...
The old twin SU setup from Kelvin was on eBay or gumtree recently. They would help, but not turn it into a fire breathing monster.
Ditching the original fan, and replacing it with an electric one will make a small but noticeable difference to both power and fuel economy.
My old 242DL ended up with:
Single Stromberg, 2.5" exhaust with a standard 2" rear muffler, thermo fan, electric fuel pump, B21E head (more comp) , D cam, and a cold air intake. Celica 5-speed into the stock 4.1 diff.
It was noticeably faster than stock, but the auto '84 245GL clearly had more grunt... The 242 was faster off the line because of the auto, but the wagon just did everything else better... I should add that the 2.1 was fairly tired - not stuffed, but at that point of having piston slap and blowing smoke on long descents.
I had always intended a carby turbo conversion for the 242, but the bits got stolen before I got around to it.
If I was to commit to making a B21 go well nowdays (everything being much cheaper, and tons more knowledge around), there's three basic paths to take - exactly which one would depend on how original I wanted it to be:
- Fit the R-Sport carby turbo kit I have.
- What I did with my old 242, but with a better cam, mild head porting (tidy up), 2.5" exhaust all the way through, and a lightened flywheel. I'd also look long and hard at tightening the squish in, to reduce detonation (mine detonated on Super, on hot days)
- Convert to EFI with or without a turbo.
And to finish the ramble, I don't believe K-jet alone offers any noticeable performance improvement over a single Stromberg/SU. Swapping the B21E's cam & head onto my B21A motor made it go about as well as a stock B21E. Similarly, the single SU on the bash car (100% stock B23E) still allowed it to be one of the fastest 240s I've ever driven.