Covered below are:
- USB socket in Centre Armrest Disk Storage
- Concealed USB socket for GPS/Dashcam
- 12v power to rear mounted UHF ratio (remote Head)
- 30A 12v Accessory Power in rear cargo area
USB socket in Centre Armrest Disk Storage
Source a Dual USB Port Socket Car Cigar Lighter Splitter Charger Power Adapter Outlet (Ebay special is $7 delivered)
Install socket in the location shown.
This spot clears the armrest and ashtray with a few mm to spare. A longer socket assembly would not work.
view from the rear.
To access - the whole assembly is removable (Consult owners manual).
To remove armrest after removing locking screws - slide it forward.
Then remove panel holding cigarette lighter plug. Note tabs on side.
Concealed USB socket for GPS/Dashcam
This can be concealed within the drivers side fuse compartment (as there's a lot of space).
A 12v Cigarette Lighter inline socket is connected to the accessory power fuse (11).
Use a fuse tap (from Jaycar etc) or solder positive tail to the fused side (EXPERIENCED SOLDERERS).
Negative connection to body as shown in the pic below.
Use a dual USB power adaptor and route cables after removing A pillar cover taking care not to foul curtain airbag.
12v power to rear mounted UHF ratio (remote Head)
There is a Fuse block in the Cargo compartment (11E/1-7) with battery feed and vacant high current fuse holders (MIDI/AMI type) on the rear body behind the battery (removal required).
Using a fuse and nut/washer, 12v supply from here can be routed to the rear well on the RHS of the vehicle where radio can be stowed with some foam packing.
Pic below (borrowed from web) shows layout of the Fuse block and 2 spare places.
30A 12v Accessory Power in rear cargo area
Use the same supply as above.
12v supply from here can be routed to the rear well on the LHS of the vehicle (or elsewhere).
Terminate in cabin with 30A Anderson connector (or whatever suits your purpose)
I use this for air compressor supply and a 300W inverter to keep laptop(s) and phones powered for rear seat passengers on longer trips.
(pic to follow)