Alastair Yesterday the gremlins struck. The car glided to a halt and was later towed to my garage. Apparently the module in the dizzy for the electronic ignition has failed. Does anyone know where I can get one for a 164 straight 6 motor of approximately 1971 origin, please? Or does anyone know where I can get the whole thing replaced in Sydney, preferably the Northern beaches area. Failing that, does anyone have a dizzy for such a motor that's actually working?? Thanks Alastair
OldnDecrepit There's two Volvo 164s for sale on Pickles auctions but you might have to buy a whole car. Try Rob Eldridge for 164 parts.
Alastair Hi O&D I am new to this forum so don't know how to get hold of Rob Eldridge. can you help me please? Alastair (also O&D!!)
Rob Hi @Alastair Electronic ignition? that is very unusual in an Australian car. only 75's came with them and as far as I am aware we don't have any 75's in Australia. I had a genuine electronic distributor in mine but I imported it from Holland. I can certainly give you advice on how to get it fixed and could help you out with a non-electronic distributor. There are also aftermarket options available. Do you have a picture of your current distributor?
Alastair Hi Rob Many thanks for answering. The car is actually a 1971 Marcos GT Coupe which I have just imported so it has in it an aftermarket electronic ignition module. I shall go round to the garage now and take a picture of the dizzy. Alastair
Rob They are available ex US for about $100 The best option is to fit a 123 distributor. these things are fantastic, you will not regret it.
Alastair Hi Rob Many thanks indeed. I have already spoken to Ted and I am keeping my fingers crossed that he has one in stock. Very grateful for your immediate help Alastair
egads (she/her) 123 ignitions are transformative, car will wake up through the whole range and will lose any ignition gremlins. Is the engine carburetor or djet edit?
Alastair The car has twin Strombergs. I have just ordered a 123 from The Netherlands. Sweden still hasn't answered my e-m! The Australian Agent does not have one in stock for the 164 motor. Can't wait to get it fitted. Thanks for the advice and support that it is a good system. Alastair
egads (she/her) Will do good things (tm) Presumably you have been warned about ethanol containing fuel eating the diaphragms on the Strombergs?
Alastair Hi Egads Never use any petrol containing ethanol in any cars. So 'poor person'!!! Anyone who uses petrol containing ethanol is on the road to disaster! Alastair
Alastair OK. The 123 Ignition system is fitted and the car seems (?) to run well. Then I booked it in to have the carbies serviced (Strombergs) as it was felt they may have leaky diaphragms. Yes, holes everywhere. leaks in the carby gaskets and leaks in the inlet manifold gasket. It's a wonder the car ran at all!! So, just awaiting gaskets from Mexico (Melbourne) and all will be well. Another discovery on the 164 engine was the water pipe that runs from near the water pump to the back of the engine had almost rusted through. This pipe is not normally visible as it is hidden by the carbies and manifolds. Phew. Thank goodness that was found otherwise it would have gone out on the open road. Some wag said to me today 'are you sure your car is yellow? I think it is lemon-coloured!' Alastair