So, I bought a second T4 on Tuesday. A green, manual 97 one.
This one is to be my fun car (unlike the silver one, which has been commandeered for commuter duties).
It was a complete slug - felt like it had about half the HP of Silver, and was surging and stuff. I bought it anyhow, because the price was right and there were no obvious mechanical dramas.
One big bonus was that (according to the trip meter), it was getting 6.9l/100km, compared to Silver's 8.2l/100km.
Yesterday, I went looking for why it was such a slug. I was expecting to find a heavily restricted exhaust, but started at the front anyhow.
Found some moderately worn spark plugs and a cracked "plug lead" off one of the coil-on-plug coil packs. Because Egads is a legend and had donated unused parts from his sister-in-law's written off T4, I had a new coil pack, plug leads and plugs to fit.
This fixed the sluggishness and the surging - it's still not a match for Silver, but it is FAR better than it was.
Now, here's the thing: By the time I got to work today, the average fuel consumption was up to... 8.2l/100km...
Can anyone explain to me how a shitty ignition system can IMPROVE fuel economy?