Looking for the above transmission to put into my 1989 240 GL which I have put a turbo on. From what I have read this one appears to be the strongest of the lot which comes from the 740 turbo. (there again I am no expert)
Welcome Wattsy !
Plenty of peeps one here with the info you need , probably a few gearboxes available too!
I have one that is Good I can sell. Where are you?
That is. An aw71l. I wouldn't use the Non lockup one. But you will need to go to a 4.10 diff for decent engine cruising speed.
There's a good AW72(L?) in the 945 that I just sold to DiverDonny. I'm sure he has no use for it, and would expect that he'd sell it at a sensible price.
Vee_Que;6651 wroteThat is. An aw71l. I wouldn't use the Non lockup one. But you will need to go to a 4.10 diff for decent engine cruising speed.
Vee_Que;6649 wroteI have one that is Good I can sell. Where are you?
@wattsupdoc , go over to TB the Bruce's thread and ask LT - Lord Tentacle , he has many cars and parts to sell......Many!
sorry mate how do I find this Lord character
He will come to you...
No, seriously, Lord Tentacle is one of the few Australian members of the TurboBricks.com forum who has no made the move over to ozvolvo. You'll have to register on TB, and then send him a PM.
He is a Sydney-sider with plans that permenantly outstrip his time to turn them into reality... And consequently, he has tons of stuff, and occasionally he will even sell some of it.
I think he is registered on here as lordtentacle (or someone is and was real early).
Calling @Lordtentacle
Let's see if he responds
Probably wino...
Spac;6727 wroteHe will come to you...
No, seriously, Lord Tentacle is one of the few Australian members of the TurboBricks.com forum who has no made the move over to ozvolvo. You'll have to register on TB, and then send him a PM.
He is a Sydney-sider with plans that permenantly outstrip his time to turn them into reality... And consequently, he has tons of stuff, and occasionally he will even sell some of it.
now I get it. thanks mate. hehe
Vee_Que;6651 wroteThat is. An aw71l. I wouldn't use the Non lockup one. But you will need to go to a 4.10 diff for decent engine cruising speed.
Tell me, are all AW71 transmissions suitable for the turbo or just some models. I heard that the serial number quoted above 1208643 is the best one for the 240 conversion. any ideas which ones fit.
They are all the same as far as clutches etc go The lockup clutch just makes highway speeds bearable. Any info on your turbo 240?
slightly shaved head, all new higher rated injectors to suit Mitsui 12b turbo, intercooler from 740 turbo, 4 core radiator, 4 king spings, all rotors are drilled and slotted, lowered, 2.5" exhaust, water injection coming soon, recaro seats in front, dvd, tv etc, etc in cabin, higher rated fuel pumps internal and external, 225 x 17 x 45 tyres. (Starfire) Christ aren't they good. sports steering wheel all that stuff.
HHhHi I can also help with Auto or manual conversion any transmission or diff call me 0434 897144 regards POM
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