Ex850R;12745 wroteHa , I said I would never have a car. Got learners on Yamaha RD250LC , the 350 had twin front discs so I got that with 250 stickers , same same but more torque for a two stroke twin. Then after a couple of fun dirt bikes , xt500 Yamy , 250 stickers...sticky enduro tyres made for fum on twisty raids! It was a Suzuki RG 500 square four two stroke that I had two of , absolute epic power in the day , I rode the first GSXR750 Suzuki which was nice but waited for the RG to come out , Barry Sheene race replica! Wish I still had em , worth a lot more than any gsxr is!
I reckon you can't swap the body , its monocoque , shit I forgot that! Maybe ditch the sedan and get a turbo 850 wagon and go from there? Or XC and make an R like Hussain's!
You could start with ARD and go TT later but cost wise , if you can get onto the dudes who will give you some maps you just load em up and work from there with arse dyno and what AFR s you get etc via the data logging which ARD hasn't got yet.
The RN head can be a great upgrade but the extra 100cc in 2.4 against 2.3lt does help.
That's why I like my V70T , 2.5 (2.4 really) 13g makes good low down and the ARD makes it a torque monster , very nice. With a 18/19T and R manifold and injectors it should be pretty good for a bolt up job. That motor will go in the V70R if I ever get it from South Australia!
Was that you got a '250' for your LAMS, but it was actually a 350 with 250 stickers on it? lol.. I didn't even think there was such a thing as a 350. My 250r has 250RR decals on it. the repsol fairings that stoner is.. was riding with the other year.
I always thought bikes were dangerous and you would for ever be coming off the f*ckers but always wanted to get on one.. so I sacked up, got on this 4 stroke 4 cylinder and fell in love.. I initially thought it was heavy and too powerful and revved way too high.. now I love it and am looking for more grunt. Ive never been on a 2 stroke and cant really imagine what they would be like.. im guessing pretty quick.. but I have no comprehension for how they handle though.
My mate swears by Suzuki's.. he bought a .. '08 boulevard from a Honda dealer and it is definitely one of the sexiest bikes ive ever seen. Any Barry Sheene replica is going to make you hop off the bike with stains on the seat or a big smile on your face. or both.
That sucks that it wont fit.. but I suppose I could always just roll up some fenders and put on some wider wheel guards, bigger wheel spacers and fit the widest possible wheels I can to grab more traction and use slicks.. I still think that if I leave it on a high tune im going to go through tyres way too quick considering my old stock 850R used to lay down 40m+ lines anywhere when I stomped it.. And yeah I cant get rid of the 850R as I have sentimental feelings for this one (I had an exact copy a few years ago before I sold it to pay bills)
.. and monocock?.. aren't we all?
Yeah the ARD ecu is around half the price of the ttusb.. and the ttusb is definitely not near my budget at all.. but its just so awesome. I think I will need to be doing a lot of budgeting and pick up another job (woe is the life of a poor uni student.. hot chicks make up for it though)
I still need to get a wideband sensor, but before I do that I need to learn what a wideband sensor is lol. I keep reading about the need fo rthem but cant figure out what I do with it.
Yeah the extra displacement always helps.. especially when that's like the size of 2 scooter engines. any little bit helps.. I bet the flow is probably better in the RN heads and likely stronger blocks.. interesting enough I stumbled across a post before of someone saying that the auto box's were strongest in the 850's and are weaker and cheaper in the RN models.
What are you looking for in your ride? is it a DD so you need to keep it fairly reliable, or are you wanting to squeeze all the Horses from it or a bit in between?