As the title implies, I have no hazard flashers or indicators. The hazard switch isn't lighting up, and there's no relay clicking or buzzing. Fuses look good (or as good as they ever do) and I haven't yet broken out the multimeter. Other systems (headlights, wipers, etc.) all good and the battery is new. Any thoughts?

IIRC, the indicators run through the hazard flasher circuit, is that right? So absence of both implies a problem in the hazard circuit. What's the first port of call in troubleshooting this one?

Thanks in advance!
Update, with pictures!

I did the obvious, and checked behind the dash panel. Somebody had clearly yanked it out at some stage and detached pretty much everything, possibly looking to solve the fault described below.

So on plugging the hazard switch back in, some really odd behaviour emerges. I *do* get hazards and indication (albeit with 3 apparently dead bulbs). However, the flasher relay clicks all the time. Now I see why someone unplugged everything! So when you push the indicator stalk left, you get left indication. Push right, you get right indication. Restore it to the rest position, and you get no indication, but the relay is still clicking.

Does this likely suggest the relay is dodgy, a leaky earth, or something more sinister? I've attached a pic of the offending object it's a Bosch P122 Electronic Flasher - never seen one like this before, but I guess they come in different shapes and sizes...?

Captain clicky relay: two pins...

It looks compatible with the right Volvo one?

Somebody got mad. Real mad. Much unplug.

Does the seat belt warning light stay on too? Does the connector for the relay have two or three pins?
Hi Duncan,

The seat belt warning light is not operational at all - no flashing or clicking from that.

Flasher relay pins and plug shown below. It looks like the plug is expecting a 3rd pin...

Interesting, Looks like someone has put in an aftermarket relay, I'd start by putting in the factory 3 pin type.
Roger! I'll figure out where I can grab one and report back with results - thanks!
Cool. Angus should have one. @Angus242164
Definitely needs factory 3 pin. I have 3 on the shelf if you need one.

The flasher unit carked it in my 86 wagon and caused similar symptoms
actually, scratch that, I have no idea if it's compatible - really hard to find out. The numbers I was looking at are the standards it conforms to...
Thanks for the input guys!

@egads - you are correct sir - a mere $29.99 from AutoBarn. Thanks for digging that out. I'd scoped the narva site but assumed they only supplied to trade. Didn't think to go as far as googling the part number.

@bgpzfm142 - I looked for a while on the volvowiringdiagrams site and that seemed to be the only one that was missing. I clearly need a short course in website navigation. Thanks for digging it out - that will help a lot in diagnosing.