
So - no fan, heat, AC. Nada. Here's my question:

A month or so ago I had the cabin filter replaced. I was going to do it myself, but my shop only charged $20 to do it. I *think*  the climate system never worked after that. (I don't use the car much so I can't say for sure.) Some videos I saw about changing the filter showed one (maybe two?) wiring harnesses up in the area of the filter that had to be disconnected when making the change. So I'm wondering if that's the case then maybe the wiring has something to do with the climate system and it wasn't re-connected. Long-shot I know ...

I checked the fuse, and it's ok. There's a bigger fuse/breaker thing under the fuse block that I could get at, but didn't check. (Man, it was a bugger getting at it!) If I do get it out, how to check it? (I have VOMs.)

So - any comments or ideas appreciated!

5 days later

I'm not a complainer… but even I think that you should complain (nicely). It's been a month, but do it anyway.

Before checking the fuses, if you must do anything but complain, I suggest you get the plastic panels off that expose the cabin filter and take a good look yourself. Your instinct regarding the wiring might be correct.
If the filter-guy was a grunt, then he might have pulled on the wires and pulled one out of the plug without noticing. He might also have left the ignition on and pulled those wires, but I wonder why there are no error codes - perhaps not when it's just the A/C system.
Remove the plugs yourself, then plug them back in, making sure each wire/pin is inserted all the way into the socket/plug.

In my experience, fuses rarely blow, even when messing around with connectors on a car with the ignition on.