I've started having an issue with my 2011 5cyl D5, ~180k of all highway use, and it's slowly becoming more frequent. No current access to VIDA to pull codes.

When I go to start it (push button start) it will turn over, kick once, then die. Starting again immediately it will crank with no fire. Immediately retrying has the same behaviour regardless.

Waiting 10-15s in key position 1 or 2 then trying again results in it starting normally.

At first it seemed to only happen after sitting for a long period of time, so I assumed it was some sort of slow leak in the fuel system causing an air lock, but recently it also happened immediately after filling up, so I'm not so sure. Zero symptoms or issues while running, fuel efficiency and power are both as good as when I got it.

My current assumption is that it's a fuel system issue, either low pressure fuel pump or leaky injectors. I'm planning on doing a leak back test, does this sound like a reasonable direction to be going in?

I've also read while researching that it could be a CEM corrosion issue? Not sure how to even begin to chase that except to simply find it and look at it, hoping it's readily apparent.

Has it had regular fuel filters replacements?

P3 diesels had issues with burning out the connector and wiring for the in tank lift pump


    Yup, fuel filter recently replaced. It looks like getting to the pump is a major mission, how sure are you that's a likely cause? Wouldn't I be getting loss of power or other symptoms when running if the lift pump was cutting out, or is the high pressure pump able to compensate

    It is a massive job so don't just jump into it without some diagnostics. I just mentioned it as this can just be an early sign of lift pump issues.

    Where abouts are you? Getting it scanned with Vida would be a massive help

    Do you have keyless start or the key cassette thing?