I thought I would start this for my 2003 C70 which has some upcoming repair work required.

I have had the car since mid 2018 when I brought it for $7000 with a bit over 70k on it. It is now up over 150k.

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A couple of months ago had an early morning altercation with a kangaroo with the results as seen below.

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Due to difficulty is sourcing parts the insurance was either a write off or pay out. The pay out was taken which will be sufficient to source the parts, some repaint and get it back together.

Hardest parts to source are the headlight, discontinued by Volvo as a spare. Started getting parts together and sourced a small tin of paint to repaint a new bonnet.

The jewel headlights must have been discontinued not long ago. I did see them available last year,

No luck with the Melbourne based Volvo workshops for a spare headlamp?

You could get it back on the road with the pre 2004 C/S/V70 headlamps (note the headlamp bulbs are different) then convert back to jewel lights when you find some. The former should be quite easy to source.

Is yours a T5 model?

@GreenGL I have been in touch with a number of Melbourne and interstate Volvo wreckers and no luck. The best was one where they would swap my good left light for two older type units plus $100.

I have a lead on a couple, might be older type but they will at least get the car back to full function.

It would be interesting to get a list of what parts have been discontinued to know what to keep an eye out for to have on hand.

I don't think it is a T5, no indication on it that it is.

Collected a replacement bonnet of Friday

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Rubbed down and first coat applied

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It won't be cheap but ebay.co.uk you will most likely be able to source C70 Jewel head lights and as for the correct front fender indicator check out the usual IPD,FCP Euro an Skandix if you can't source local. I got my headlights out of the UK.

@TL_V70, thanks for the advice. Looked at the usual suspects but either discontinued or for LHD market.

There are a number from Ebay UK, best price after a quick look is around $330.

I am able to get a pair of earlier lights in Australia delivered for $175.

Might go with this to get the car back of the road properly, hold on to my good left side and look at getting a good RHS at a later stage.

4 months later

Finally got all the parts together and time to carry out the repairs to the car. Yesterday afternoon into the shed and start removing damaged parts. Bonnett and lights removed and started on the radiator support bracket.

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Found an issue with the final bolt, the central lower one. Not able to access from above or below, looks like the next step is to remove the bumper.

Finished dismantling the front area, bumper came off easily after a quick Google search.

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With the bumper off removal of the radiator bracket was straight forward.

Started putting parts back on, radiator bracket, left lights and bumper back on. Issue found with the fog lights, the bulb holder has detached from the lens and is not going back together. The bulb holders are jammed in the rear housing, have been able to get one free with a small amount of WD40. Will see if in the morning I can attach the bulb holder back to the lens sufficiently.

Finally, all back together with no left-over screws or anything.

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The bonnet paint has come up a slightly lighter shade compared to the rest of the car and has a slight satin finish to it. Given it was the first time I have sprayed a car panel in full color, I am quite happy with the result. At least it is back on the road, straight and not missing lights.

In time I would like to look at changing the bumper (either original or something different with a repaint) and the grille.

The next job to do is some work on the left door - replace the lock actuator and the window lift mechanism. Currently the power window only comes up less than a 1/4 and you need to manually lift the window shut.