• 'Minty' The 240 Wagon

Very. But a one off also. Every other high hp build uses aftermarket pistons ;)
Don't worry about the CR. Im running a b230FX+T @12psi and its for the most part fine. I'm still on LH2.2 with stock orange tops. I only get ping on hard boost onset but if I just roll into it I get none. An FX runs a 9.3:1 compression which is due to the head. If you are running a B230 and want to drop the compression just get yourself a 531 head. You can also run a more aggressive turbo cam like the KG2T which will also help drop your dynamic CR.

If you are running an aftermarket EMS you will be able to tune to the higher compression. Honda guys run something like 11:1 compression and make good power. I like the work so far! Its good to see people getting their hands dirty and not just benchrace!
Thanks @Slowbrick that is reassuring! I do have plans to go with a 531 in the near future as I have one sitting on my bench. The only thing stopping me from doing it now is that I would like to coincide the head change with a new timing belt, head gasket, adjustable came gear etc, none of which I have collected yet.
Interesting about the dynamic compression ratio, I hadn't really considered that before now. There is a turbo cam in this engines future but will likely coincide that with some valve work.
Thanks for the kind words!
Kg2t is the best bet we've found too. Ipd turbo cam is just lumpy. will be cheaper than your ic cost!
So the car will never get done then?
Mount a 6.0Ltr Gen4 in there then test the fitment with that turbo ;)

Yeh I finish my final year eng. project over the Christmas semester, can't wait it's pretty much 3 projects in one.

Yeh it was my project, I pretty much ran out of time, what I did was before I went to uni. It was kind of a pain as I was using a few different workshop's to do the work. When you organise to do a weekend worth of work I rock up to the workshops and find a machine is stuffed or tools have gone missing.

There is no way I could manage to do anything during the study trimesters and over the breaks I was working. I have all the parts in storage and will get back into it once I'm out of uni and have a life. It'll be a couple of years time tho as I rather work and save a bit of money.

I've bought a house and got married and have two other cars to deal with ahead of my 122's, ;) you only have the one car :p

Honestly, the hx55 is too big for a stock b230, maybe if you had an extended port head like the evo ii head and 2.7l stroker, you may spool. But spooling 1000rpm earlier than a far better flowing 16v with a stroker and built motor if its one I'm thinking of. Nope. More like at 5000rpm.

How much does your mate want for the 18t? A t3/4 or rebuilt with external gate gt35r will cost you over $500. Plus your power goal, which is 200hp or so will be achieved with a 18t. Alternatively you can buy a stock t3 from berry and rebuild it for $50 and then buy a Chinese t3/4 down the track to swap the front wheel and housings onto the genuine centre when you can afford it. They spool earlier than a td05 14g does too. As in on Jays 740 it spools 1500rpm earlier, the ported 90+ does help that decision though.
@Samman88 go with the small turbo first and see if @SirNemesis is interested in the Holset HX52.

Research EFI if you haven't already done so and get the car running. Your Uni library should have engineering level EFI design books, very important to understand the science.

Once you are finished with the car, just say it's up to the purchaser to organise the supply of the OEM efi parts for rego.
@Andy yeah I've heard that FYPs can get pretty involved. Good luck with it and hopefully you can get a decent work space sorted!
Good idea about the books, I'll see if I can find some to borrow over this weekend!

This is true @Vee_Que haha I agree. And my mate wants around $100 for the 18t. I'll probably just go with it from what you've said above.

So to summarize, plans for Minty in light of recent information are as follows;

Next few weeks =
1 - Wiring for MS
2 - 18t turbo with Saab 350cc injectors
3 - 2.5" dump pipe
4 - first start
5 - 200kw
6 - drive for a while like this to get all issues ironed out.

Then when I get bored...
Summer break =
1 - Duncan's 850 electric fan mod
2 - Vertical mount b230
3 - Bigger turbo + injectors (and more downpipe now that there will be room)
4 - relocate alternator and make intake manifold.
5 - gearbox options for strength and vertical mount
6 - 531 head with vx3 cam and new timing belt
7 - PCV system
8 - H Rods when putting on b20 sump
9 - 400kw
10 - finished?

Sounds like a plan.
Ambitious. But 400kw is a pipe dream on stock pistons, let alone stock head and m46... $100 is cheap for an 18t.

I reckon you can fit a bigger dp in there without the hassle of upright mounting too. Just need to have others with more experience look at it.

Does Duncan have a patent on electric fans? He's not the first to do it...
Good to see a 400kw goal. I like that.

I'd add the e-fan setup to your first list though. Work the bugs out on the stock engine before you cook the big kw version. If you're going to be running MS and a vertically mounted engine then you might as well put the 16v head on too. Unless you're planning a lot of port and valve work on the 531. Get a better cam than the VX3 too.
B-Dubs wagon build on Turbobricks might help with ideas. I think his setup got to 520rwhp with a GT3071 at 29psi and a 531 head with a lot of port/valve work.

4 days later
Tiny compared to what? the amount you spent on that no doubt would have gotten a good turbo that would be driveable with your motor... But i only live in the real world :p

much like thinking stock pistons will survive, but you want to do a custom intake, the piston design will lose you power. And most I've seen them make is 500whp/11second qaurters for turbo pistons on a 16v...

I know evo guys with big cams make 500ish hp with a hx40 with t3 housing. The 55 is just plain to big to be worthwhile.

Any turbo you fit well have clearance issues, yld has a lower mounted manifold and fits an external gate and 3" in that space for the past 6 years, no excuse there...
I used a bmw 5 series jumper block myself supercheap and decent wire? Not jaycar!?