GrahamF It is a Yr 1998. Photo is not my car just one I found online to show part I want. I suspect that part was common to both the S70 and V70 from that period. If it helps VIN is: YV1NK5306WJ003555 Tanks for offer of help Graham gRAHAM
ramrod Good news bad news I can get the trim panel, $52 Unfortunately it will have to come from Sweden, 6-8 weeks wait Sorry I could not be more help, perhaps someone has it locally
Massey165 I think, I have one that will fit, my parts car in the country, travelling there next week, will let you know, where are you located
GrahamF volvrek Thanks Mark. After the "very good condition" dash you supplied last last year I am a little reluctant as you could expect. Think I have found a new one but if it falls through will get in contact Graham