Hi All, I just replaced my C30 shifter blind. The magnet is in the the right place and the circuit board is undamaged. The vehicle only registers D,P, N, R. it won't show 1,2,3 etc if I move the shift to manual and it does not respond to + -. It was working before on the original blind before that broke. Am wondering if the magnet has a polarity and perhaps the replacement part from China has magnet inserted the wrong way.

Any advice appreciated.

  • YES the magnet POLARITY does make a difference.
    I put the original magnet slider into the new blind, and manual gear shift works again.

    The part from China was labelled 8699465 on the pack but also says S40 and C70 on the pack. The advert said C30, S40, C70.
    The slider part with a magnet is marked POM2 and the original POM3.

    Placing the two slider magnet faces together I found they attracted. i.e. if the face is North on my old one then it's South on the new one. I had expected them to repel, i.e. both be North faces.

I have the same problem on mine. Replaced shifter blind with cheap one and no manual shift etc. No idea if it used to work. Blind was in pieces when I got the car. I will delve into it one day but not enough time at the moment. I did keep the original magnet to try and swap in to see if it makes a difference. Hopefully someone else has had the same problem and found a fix. Please post here if you find a solution.

Yup, I think I will try this - I kept the old magnet.

YES the magnet POLARITY does make a difference.
I put the original magnet slider into the new blind, and manual gear shift works again.

The part from China was labelled 8699465 on the pack but also says S40 and C70 on the pack. The advert said C30, S40, C70.
The slider part with a magnet is marked POM2 and the original POM3.

Placing the two slider magnet faces together I found they attracted. i.e. if the face is North on my old one then it's South on the new one. I had expected them to repel, i.e. both be North faces.

Great news. I will pull mine apart and try. I wonder if the china one is just a piece of steel and not a magnet at all?

Its a magnet, i also tested on a steel bolt. The magnet is detected by chip sensors. I could not ID the exact type, but generally these come in unipolar and omni polar versions.

And its a car, which come with needless complexities such as which way around the magnet goes.... i suspect it works just fine for the v40 and S70.

Hope it works for you. Post back and let us know