Vee_Que Good luck with that. They aren't that cheap when people like them and they are straight etc. Thanks for the insult.
egads (she/her) Too far? Or this? Or maybe this?
deleted_user_83 I'll be at the voldat barbecue dinner tomorrow night in morrabin if anyone's attending?
Ben Don't worry about VQ, he's just a bit of a 7 series nut with 3 of them. He's put a lot of time and money into them and like anyone that's spent money on their Volvo (inc me), gets a bit narky when they're reminded they don't have much value! lol
Vee_Que I work afternoons so I can't make the meetings. Does that mean you're the guy who bought the black one off of berry? He wouldn't even sell his cars that need work for that price. Talk to heino about his 740s he has. Though they may be more than 300 Worth asking him anyway.
Ben I'm now in Canberra so I can't make the BBQ either =) VQ is right, Heino would be a good one to talk to!
deleted_user_83 Ok thanks, will do, yea I'm the one that brought the 740 turbo hp of berry it's a great car, hopefully ill be able to catch up with everyone better at the next event !, thanks for the advice, it's much appreciated @ben and @Vee_Que
deleted_user_83 And Thanks :), i took your advice and got a 740 from Heino :), their all very nice people, I only met a few but I'm sure their all just as kind, I'll catch up with other people hopefully at the next event ! @ben