• [sold] [gumtree] white, manual 850R wagon

Volans were not on all of them if the buyer wanted more comfort.
When i was looking , dealers still had them and one said he had at least one who came back and swapped them for smaller wheels!
One up your way , Brisbane suburb. (a doctor i was trying to convince to sell as his left knee was shot) had had it since new and ran 15" wheels , the Volans in the shed with still new tyres....
He couldnt part with it and worked out his sore old knee....
It was white and manual too!
My bro inlaw checked it out for me after a service manager told me about him.
I knew all the dealers around thecountry in my search for an R manual wagon!
Still gotcalls a year or so later about Rs...
They may have been std on 16s iirc ? Volans an option
I think it was Volans standard but 16 inch wheels (not sure which ones, columbias maybe) were a no cost option.