jamesinc Scratching my head a bit at this one... Blower motor runs fine when car is on reds but doesn't run when the engine is running. All the other electrics seem fine. Any advice?
Philia_Bear Sounds like bad grounds The only difference would be that fuel pump relay is closed with car running and open when just on reds
jamesinc Actually on the subject of relays I need an indicator relay that doesn't go NYEGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH when the seatbelt is off. It's just supposed to go clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick right?
Major Ledfoot http://www.k-jet.org/files/greenbooks/TP30808-1_wiring_diagrams_1985_PRELIM.pdf Pages 137 and 138 have the heater fan wiring diagram.