Finally used the road bike.
We’d planned to ride up to the Bathurst 6hr back in April, but Covid...
Dragged along Paulie, so hilarity with bluetooth pairing ensued...
Oh, yeah. Where El Wifeo and I have entirely sensible old person V-strom bikes, Paulie has a very old person’s cruiser.
We went via Young for lunch, and then checked out the Koorawatha Falls. Initial disappointment with a concrete weir was allayed when we saw the sign that showed the falls are a bit of a walk away.
The dirt road in was pretty awful. You’d get a 2WD road car in there if you needed, but...
If was great road on the Vstrom... not so great for Paulie on the Vulcan. He proved “its an adventure bike if you’re having an adventure on it” - although his choice of bike made it more of an adventure...
Now to eat too much Lebanese food.