My Abs module on a 2002 V70 has given up. part 8671224. I contacted Euro Spares and they are selling a part 8619541 ( xc70 ) they are claiming it will work but I have my doubts. Any ABS gurus out there that could assist please. Thanks
Reckon that bloke in Melbourne can fix it.
He has been on here , I dont recall his details.
egads (she/her)
@precopster is his nickname. If you can't raise him via PM here hit him up on matthewsvolvosite.
I have only ever seen one post 99 abs module fail. We repair the early ones( pre99) here as its usually a case of cracked solder, but these later abs modules are different and we could not get it repaired. If i recall correctly we had to buy a new one and get it programmed through the volvo dealer. This was a 2002 xc70 that had been traded in. What fault codes are you getting?
There is no difference in the module between an S/V/XC70 ABS module for the same year P2 platform car
IIRC it does need to be codded into the car though
Thanks for the reply is it pricey to get coded or do I just get on from the usa with the same part number or will that need programming as well. Thanks
We usually fit the new part and drive it to the dealer for the software coding they charge our shop around $140. What are the symptoms of your abs module failure its fairly unusual for the later models. Its much more common for the steering angle sensor or brake pedal sensors to cause abs/tracs faults.
hi the mechanic has taken it out and said it is knackered as his computer can't read it and he tried on another computer and it can't read it. He sent it of somewhere to get repaired but they said they couldn't repair it :(. I am happy to get the other bits checked out but if that was the case it would pick up on the computer and give him the fault codes I presume.
egads (she/her)
Where in Aus are you @mattd?
Unless he has a working vida system I have no confidence any aftermarket system can corectly read the module
AGREED unless its been scanned with VIDA (genuine Volvo diagnostic unit) I would be extremely reluctant to throw an abs module at it in the hope it will fix it. I'm guessing you had an A.B.S light come on, took it to the mechanic who couldn't scan any codes from the module (with a generic scan tool) and he decided its "knackered". That's how A.B.S modules in VT commodores behave, but it dosn't work with Volvo's. Only advice I would give is to get the car scanned at the Volvo dealership or a independent shop with the right software. Once you are armed with the fault codes we can help diagnose. Even with a failed A.B.S module VIDA can still retrieve the associated fault codes. You would also get a message in the display along the lines of:
I do know, unless the numbers are the same, they rarely work and its a new module, get the part number and try, you will still need a Volvo download
Hi. Ok the mechanic is a friend and not a rip of merchant he mainly does Euro cars. I would imagine he has checked it properly ( well I hope he has ) I am getting the error message " Brake Failure : Stop Safely ASAP " ( this is displayed on the dashboard ) along with all the lights lit up! I will speak to my mate and ask him if you used VIDA ( he does other Volvos so I presumed he would have ) I am not disagreeing with you that it may not be the ABS and something else. I suppose with purchasing below I would be paying this much to go and get it diagnosed again?
Or does any one live in Adelaide with one that would like some free beer to give it a scan :)
FYI I called Volvo yesterday and that part from the XC wont be comaptible as it is not reprogammeable. I am now in two minds what to do. Buy a 2nd hand one from the USA or take elsewhere to get it checked it again, ( more expense ) but obviously savings in the long run if not the ABS Module ( then no confidence in mate at garage ) :)
Total can bus reload
Everything is reprogramable If you know what your doing
I will send all my stuff to you then, rear diff module for XC90 2011 V8s can I send you it for reload? no communication
I don't have a current VIDA subscription at the moment so no-go for me right this second
Also... module must be in the car at time of re-programming :-)
When I get the garage done and the lift up next year I think I will fork out for it as I will be able to finally do some real work....
Got some faulty R abs modules if you can fix 2004, work out some repair deal so I can sell them exchange?