• [sold] [gumtree] T5-R in SA

well priced.
sure is! i looked at one a few months back which would have been in the same nick at best and he would not budge below $5k
It's worth it for sure!!, I just bought a Black T5-R for 3,000 a few days back :D , it absolutely flys ;)
But a money pit, and Voldat only paid $1000 with 2 sets of alloy wheels,
If it was yellow, I'd be on my way to SA.
A lot of the stuff on it, while it has a definite value, is wasted on me.
Id prefer one that no one has done anything to already. John's would be good for someone to buy that just wants to drive the thing. Definitely a nice car.

Oops, but yeah, interior is pretty garbage on that car and lots of clear coat peeling. Spots of rust here and there but sounds mechanically okay. The guy said that the engine is getting pretty tired so could do with a recon if you wanted to keep it going for another 300.
No engines at Volvo, some back yard joint will have to build one, and if someone buys an S60R or V70R exchange engine price is $13000 OUCH! I will keep praying my 3 Rs are looked after :((