Guys, wanting to convert my car to (at least) single SU instead of the current Stromberg carb. Looking for a single SU, I am happy to overhaul. I would also be happy to change to twin SU but would require the inlet/exhaust manifold as well as the air box.
I am located in Lithgow, NSW.
New twin Webers!!?
Wasn't really looking to go the Webber route but I guess that a single downdraft Webber would be ok.
egads (she/her)
I have twin SU's spare and I thought they bolted up OK with a Stromberg exhaust? That is what my later 144 that has been converted over has anyway. My 144 also has two generic'ish round filters so you don't need an airbox so you could do that?
Thanks for that. My car has an inlet/exhaust manifold cast as a single unit so if I change the inlet manifold I would need a new exhaust manifold as well. The pancake air filters would be fine.
egads (she/her)
Ah, hacksaw solves that :-D