Hi all, I'm currently in the middle of installing a thermo fan in my 89 245, I've wired almost everything up but I can't seem to find a ignition power in the engine bay. I mainly can't find one because I don't have a probe or tester so I'm kind of stuck. :(
Coil pack + side. Is the easiest. Though drawing your power from the battery.

I personally used my ignition signal from the fan fuse.
fan fuse inside the cabin. (on the fuse block.)
i did this because its a thermo reset fuse in there, but also because i was having sever issues with running the 960/850 thermo fan. kept melting fuses. turned out to be the fan its self. so used a spare new generic fan. works a charm.

i now could take my (power signal) from the coil pack + side. but no point, its all wired in, and working now.
I ended up just running a line into the cabin and onto the daytime running lights fuse as that is turned on with ignition, but thank you. @blondejay‌
yeah no stress, i was thinking about that, how ever i have that fuse removed. as i dont use the daytime running lights
Yeah I joined onto the line before the fuse and I put my own fuse on that line so I can take them off if I want too. @blondejay‌