So my Xmas holidays were going to be my big push to sort out and repair the front suspension to my 245 wagon, however my sons CL9 Accord Euro decided to change that... big time.
The clutch was on the way out but still had some life in it, however on a quick drive from Nowra to Berry the clutch master cylinder decided to let go just as we got to Berry, NRMA towing isn't free for country members i found out so it wasn't cheap to get it home, but got it there.
I had planned to get the clutch done at a mechanics in the near future but this brought it closer and, it was quicker to get it started and fixed in the drive way, or so i thought. The Accord master cylinder is a pain to get out, access is as bad as the Volvo XC70 brake booster seal, but once its done its quickly forgotten about, although i did note the clutch fluid was pretty gross.
gearbox was separated from the engine in situ, it can be done in the engine bay, a bit of work to disconnect a few things, remove the gearbox mounts and pull the wheels off to free up the CV joints. Once the gearbox is pulled to once side the clutch assembly is accessible, all came apart without any issues, the clutch was worn but not as bad as i thought it would have been, the flywheel was pretty burnt in a few spots,